Wild Swimmers
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Open edition with printed signature.
Wild swimming, or swimming in open water like the sea, lochs and rivers, is called ‘hydromania’. It offers the opportunity to connect with Nature as well as bringing physical and mental health benefits and, because of this, it has grown massively in popularity in recent times. People swim all year round as immersion in cold water can bring significant mental health benefits. Swimmers who regularly undertake swimming in the winter months reported huge increases in life satisfaction, general happiness and their feelings of worthiness. Their anxiety levels also decreased significantly and non-clinical trials have taken place to examine how it might help with severe depression. According to the NHS, regular swimming can also reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. The act of moving your body in the water can increase cardiovascular fitness, release mood-enhancing endorphins as well as helping to build muscles and improve bone density. The social aspect has also made wild swimming very popular and there are many groups and clubs all over the country where swimmers meet regularly to brave the elements.